Thursday, November 17, 2011

mission statement

My name is Angela McPherson, and this what I believe:
We are living the great controversy.
Not just living inside it, living it.

It shows up in us--in our conversations, in our songs,
in our films, in everything we create.
Again and again.
A yearning, a cadence of desire we move to--day by day by day.
We long. We long for beauty, for truth,
for wholeness; belonging.
For something that’s missing to be put back.
For something that’s wrong to be put right.
We feel it. We know it.
Our hearts cry out from within us.
The arms we reach for are reaching back to us.
And they are attached to a heart.
A being.
A God.
I speak because I cannot help but call attention to this Being
with everything that I am--because we want Him.
But here’s the beautiful thing: He wants us more.
My life’s cry is to point that out. 

...I guess that makes me the Jesus girl.